Mihajlovski, Ljubomir

STARDUST : Work of Science Fiction Poetry in Macedonian and English - 1 - Haryana Global Fraternity of Poets 2021 - 167

Ljupco Mihalovki is a Macedonian poet, academician, and widely recognized for his work on science fiction. He is also Chairman of the World Science Fiction Academy, Macedonia. His variegated role as a teacher, a poet, a philanthropist, and a science-fiction writer, turn him into a monumental figure of modern times. He has to his credit 20 published works of high quality, poetry and fiction, which are emblematic of his deep study, and keen insight into the existential reality. The Science Fiction of which he is the leading proponent is a field which is much favored by film makers, and which has at its head great writers like H.G. Wells.


Gifted RRRLF,Kolkatta

Literature of other languages
Literature of east Indo-European and Celtic languages
West and South Slavic languages (Bulgarian, Slovene, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Serbo-Croatian, and Macedonian)
Bulgarian and other South Slavic languages
Macedonian poetry

891.8191 / MIH