Alberti, Leon Battista

ON PAINTING - 1 - New Haven Yale University Press 1966 - 141

Translated with Introduction and Notes by John R Spencer

Alberti’s Della Pittura was the first modern analytical study of painting, a pioneering treatise on the theory of art. A systematic description of the one-point perspective construction, it was primarily designed to persuade both patron and painter in the Renaissance to discard the old tastes in painting for the new. John R. Spencer's translation of Della Pittura is based on all the known manuscripts and is edited with an Introduction and Notes.


Gifted Vijayan Kannampilly

Paintings- Theory
Paintings- Philosophy
Leon Battista Alberti- Italian Philosopher
Painting- Modern Study
Renaissance- Painting- Art- Theory
Criticism and Theory- Art
History- Pinting

750.1 / ALB