Kohli, Narendra

EPIC - 1 BONDAGE : Story of Bhishma /Mahasamar Narendra Kohli - 1 - New Delhi Sankalp 2014/01/01 - 252

The Epic--1 : Bondage-Story of Bhishma is the English translation of first volme of Mahasamar : Bandhan, first published in 1988. The Story begins with the sorrow of Shantanu, the king of Hastinapur who is born as a mortal in this birth to espouse ganga after being cursed by Brahma in his previous birth where he was a powerful kinf of the Ikshvaku dynasty. As the reason behind his sorrow unveils, so does the character of his eighth born and only surviving son from Ganga-Devavrata, the greatest warrior of all times. From being the most unusually born to becoming the protector of the Kuru throne, from being the revered son of Ganga to being the pacifier of his fathers passion for Satyavati, from being the revered son of Ganga to being the pacifier of his fathers passion for Satyavati, from being Devavrata to becoming Bhishma-this volume is the story of family ties, rage, passion loyalty and abstention told with deep profundity and detailed description of the era and its people

Description: 1. Bandhana -- 2. Adhikāra -- 3. Karma -- 4. Dharma -- 5. Antarāla -- 6. Pracchanna -- 7. Pratyaksha
Novel, based on the Mahābhārata.


Gifted RRRLF,Kolkata

translated from Hindi Fiction