Mohan Sundara Rajan

INTERNET : REVOLUTION IN PROGRESS - 1 - New Delhi National Book Trust 2015/01/01 - 405


Part 1 : Dawn of a Revolution
1.Computing : Base of the Internet
2.The Internet Takes Shape
3.Power from Microprocessors

Part II

Computers Define the Internet

4.The Personal Computer
5.Apple: A New Internet Resources
6.The Rise and rise of Software
7.It's all in the Cloud
8.Are we in the Post-PC Era?

Part III : The Web and the Internet

9.Is the Web Still Around ?
10.The Web Strikes Back

Part IV : Trends in India

11.Early Challenges
12.The Road Ahead

Par V: Social Networks

Part VI : Control and Freedom Online

Part VII : The Spin-Off

Part VII: The Revolution continues

23.Memory and Mobile Access : New Frontiers
24.The Age of Big Data
25.Frogs in the Well



Internet Revolution

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