Bubbles Sabharwal

DUDE,IT'S ABOUT THE ATTITUDE : Youngster's Guide to Faith, Love and Courage - 1 - New Delhi Wisdom Tree 2017/01/01 - 159

Life is about style and substance, style can come by, substance has to be forged! And it is in the little everyday things that the building blocks of our life reside?in gestures of kindness to a stranger, in pausing to give a helping hand to a friend, in not frustratingly waiting for people to understand you better?for when you have faith in yourself, you don?t just connect with the world better, the world also appreciates you for who you are. And there is never a better time to start a transformative journey than here and now!


Purchased Prism Books,Kochi

Young Adult Psychology
Contents:-Attitude and Gratitude-Courage-Creating Value, Impacting Society-Fighting Fear-Teens and Parents : How to get Along?-Personality-Relationships-The Art of Love-You

155.5 / BUB/DU