Brockman, John (ed.)

WHAT HAVE YOU CHANGED YOUR MIND ABOUT? : Today's leading minds rethink everything - 1 - New York Harper Perennial 2014/01/01 - 387

Edge (, the influential online intellectual salon, recently asked 150 high-powered thinkers to discuss their most telling missteps and reconsiderations: What have you changed your mind about? The answers were brilliant, eye-opening, fascinating, sometimes shocking, and certain to kick-start countless passionate debates.

Read Steven Pinker on the future of human evolution • Richard Dawkins on the mysteries of courtship • Sam Harris on the indifference of Mother Nature • Nassim Nicholas Taleb on the irrelevance of probability • Chris Anderson on the reality of global warming • Alan Alda on the existence of God • Lisa Randall on the secrets of the Sun • Ray Kurzweil on the possibility of extraterrestrial life • Brian Eno on what it means to be a "revolutionary" • Helen Fisher on love, fidelity, and the viability of marriage • Irene Pepperberg on learning from parrots. . . and many others.


Purchased Prism Books,Kochi

Science and the humanities
Social prediction
Discoveries in science -- Forecasting.
Science and the humanities
Contents:-seeing Through a carbon Lens-Pan-Sentience-Popperian Sound Bite-Solving the Hard Prblem-Neuroscience and Philosophy-Wiggle Room-We are Custodians of a Posthuman Future-Finite and Edgeless-Reconsolidating Memory-The Internet and the Centralization of Power-Cyberspace has become just Another Place to Do Business-To Unity or Not to Unity-Demolishing Myths-Unfettered by Facts-Animal Sacrifice-Where are They-Might Robots See Gof?-Seeing Ahead-Everything-The Universe escape Velocity-What we Learn in the Living Realm of Biology-Limits of Analogy-Wrestling with Paget-Non-veridical Perception-The Virtue of Fishing Expeditions-Gone Fishing-Science and Democracy-The Trouble with Relativism-Political Science-Paleolithic Mind-The Soul-The Overloading of Bob-The Birds-Eye View and the Frog-A Law of Laws-Bleak-The Polestar-Against Debunking-The Brains Equation-Hominoid Cuisine-Marginal Role of Science-Friends and Faith-Constancy of the Persona-without a God

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