Parinita Shetty

MONSTER HUNTERS - 1 - Chennai Duckbill 2013/01/01 - 70

Summary of the Book
Abhay and his friend, Nitya, have decided to go monster hunting. For some reason, the adults think monsters don’t exist. Abhay is certain that they are wrong, he knows for a fact that there is one under every bed. Nitya believes him and together, they set off on an adventure to catch one and bring it to class. They plan to present the monster in school and make everyone who laughed at them eat their words. However, monsters aren’t easy to catch. Hunting one down may be more difficult than either hunter realizes.
About Parinita Shetty
Parinita Shetty is an Indian children’s novelist. She enjoys reading and hopes to travel the world one day, visiting all the bookstores it has to offer.


Purchased Prism Books,Kochi

Childrens Fiction